A turf that has been neglected is much more susceptible to weeds & disease.
Growing and maintaining a high-quality turf with proper mowing, watering, and fertilizing will make it much more difficult for weeds to take hold. The best way to control weeds is with a healthy, dense turf.
Replace or sharpen mower blades before the first mowing of the season. Mowing with dull blades will shred the tips of the grass blades causing “white tipping” of the grass. Torn grass blades are more susceptible to disease. Sharp blades will ensure a clean cut.
Crabgrass starts to appear in mid to late spring, invading lawns as soon as the soil temperature begins to warm up. Crabgrass grows best in full sun, so mow the grass high to help shade the soil and apply a pre-emergent crabgrass control in early spring to prevent germination of crabgrass seeds.
Nutrient deficiencies can weaken grass plants, so feed at least 4 times per year. A nourished lawn is better able to fend off diseases. With L&M Lawn Care you'll get exactly what your lawn needs, right when it's time to apply it, delivered to your doorstep.
If You Need to Water, Water Properly.
Many diseases infect lawns when the grass blades are wet. To keep grass blades dry, water only if needed and water deeply so you can go longer between watering. Watering in the morning, between 6AM and 10AM, is best since the grass blades have plenty of time to dry during the day. Especially avoid watering late in the day or at night, since the grass blades will stay wet all night long, encouraging leaf diseases.
And lastly, if you see something, say something. Our techs are out to your lawn every 5-8 weeks depending on your own program selections. We rely on you to keep an eye on things in between visits. Please do not feel like a burden. We would much rather come take a look and catch a possible problem early than to have it continue and cause severe damage.
Making the grass green on your side!
Be sure to reach out for aerating lawn & grub control!
401 Curry Hollow Road
Pittsburgh, Pa. 15236
Making the grass green on your side!
401 Curry Hollow Road
Pittsburgh, Pa. 15236
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