What is an Aeration ? Mechanical aeration provides an excellent, and probably the only, means of correcting or alleviating soil compaction which may be quite serious on many lawn areas. Aerating machines remove plugs of soil from the turf area, thereby creating an artificial system of large or noncapillary pores by which moisture and plant nutrients can be taken into the soil. They also provide a breathing system through which carbon dioxide can escape from the soil and oxygen can enter the soil
Heavy white grub infestations can destroy grass roots, causing the affected area to become spongy, which allows the sod to be rolled back like a piece of carpet. Grubs grow and feed below the surface of your lawn so you may not become aware of them and see the damage until it is too late. Preventive grub control starts in June, curative applications could be from August through Mid-September. about this category
This is one example of what grub damage could look like. Drought damage and grub damage look very similar so make sure to call a specialist to confirm what the damage is. After the treatment has been applied it must be water in to be affective.
Another way to confirm if it is indeed grub damage is to see if the grass pulls up. If there grass pulls right up like a carpet without and resistance then there could be grubs. Make sure to call a specialist to diagnose the problem .
* Animal digs could also mean grubs but not necessarily mean that it it a guarantee . Always call a * specialist to confirm the issue.
Lime is applied to the soil of home lawns to increase the soil pH. Soil pH, a measure of the soil's acidity or alkalinity, can directly influence the vigor and quality of the home lawn.
Lime just like grubs need to be water in to be active once it is apply to the lawn.
Any existing customer who has gotten a treatment that may have a problem give us a call and we will be happy to help. If we can't fix the problem over the phone we will glad set up a time and date with you at your convivence to help resolve the problem.
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